Where To Install Your Wayfinding Signage

Wayfinding Signage
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Have you ever entered a place of business and not been able to figure out where you need to go due to a lack of proper wayfinding signage? Directional signs should be installed in order to assist clients and visitors to navigate your space with ease. The easier it is for people to find what they need, the more likely they are to complete a transaction, recommend your business, and rely on your services again in the future. Having the right wayfinding signage is key, but it’s equally important to ensure that they are in the right place in order to do the most effective job possible.

Before you determine the best location for your signs, know that the most effective wayfinding signage is concise and easy to read, so that all clients can understand the message with just a quick glance. As an example, using large, bold fonts in highly-visible color schemes is one of the best ways to accomplish this goal. Additionally, you’ll need to ensure you have ADA compliant signs so that all visitors can safely and easily access your space.

Do You Have Wayfinding Signage In All These Areas?

If you want to add helpful directional signs to your space, take the time to make sure you’ve included the signage in all important areas, such as those listed below.

  1. In the lobby.

A great lobby sign can help make a powerful and impactful impression, but you can also use your lobby space to make sure people know where to go and what options are available. From adding an employee or department directory, to simply letting people know where to find washrooms and waiting rooms, make sure you lobby area is proactively communicating with your customers.

  • Consistently throughout your interior space.

Your directory lobby signs may help get things off on the right foot, but it’s imperative to continue your wayfinding signage everywhere in your facility.  From wall signs to hanging markers, or wall or window graphics, make it easy for visitors to make their way through your space without having to ask for help. Also, be sure that all entrances and exits are clearly and overtly marked.

  • Meeting rooms and door signs.

There are a variety of options when it comes to creating name plates that go up outside of office doors and meeting rooms. Cubicle name plates and door signs can be made customizable to fit your brand and style and ensure that all spaces and work stations are easy to find.

  • In your parking area.

There is no greater frustration than not knowing where you can park or getting lost trying to get out of a parking garage! Similarly, if you have multiple entrances, be sure to indicate what entrance visitors should use based on what they’re looking for.

  • As part of the exterior signage for your business.

If you are located in a plaza or at the back of a building, don’t leave people guessing on where to find you. A monument sign or a post sign is a great way to clearly indicate where you’re located and let customers know that they’ve successfully found the destination they were looking for.

Create Custom Wayfinding Signage In (LOCATION)

We are is committed to helping you create the best directional signs for your needs.  We know that wayfinding signage is a great investment for any company, and we can make sure that the signs you choose are not only helpful, but also reflect your brand and your business. If you are ready to add professional wayfinding signs to your business, let us help!

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